
Schedule a Job

To schedule a job, follow the steps below.

  1. Select My Jobs from the main menu at the top of the screen. Select Scheduler from the sub-menu that appears under main menu, as shown below.
  2. mp_help

  3. The scheduler is displayed. Click on Day, Week or Month available in scheduler title pane, to see the scheduler in different formats. Select the period for which you want to plan and schedule. Use the list buttons to see previous or next day, week or month in the scheduler.
  4. Click on the button to see the calendar and select a date, as shown below.
  5. In the list of Unscheduled Jobs, select the job that you want to schedule. Take the mouse pointer on a job and you can see the job details as the tool tip, as shown below.
  6. Drag and drop this job on the scheduler area. The Scheduled Job form is displayed in a new window, as shown below.
  7. mp_help

    Add the detailed information, as explained below.


    Employees And Clients

    Use Preferences section, to set following preferences for the job:

  8. You have different options to save the schedule as: