
Create New Job Card

To create a new job card, follow the steps below.

  1. Select My Jobs from the main menu at the top of the screen. Select Job Cards from the sub-menu that appears below main menu, as shown below.
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  3. Click the Add Job Card button, as shown below.
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    The Create Job Card form is displayed.

  5. Click on the Template drop-down arrow and selet a template for new job card.
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. The Job Card page appears where you can add required details for new job card. You have two options at this stage:

  8. In the Client field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the client submitting the job card from the drop-down list of available clients. When you select a client from available list, information in fields such as contact details is automatically completed. You can also select the Add New Client option if the client's name is not displayed in the list. (Please see add new client for detailed information.)
  9. In the Description field, specify a short description of the job outlining what the problem is and what needs to be done. Click the View all descriptions link to view all descriptions for related jobs, work requests and quotes. Click the Paste link to paste a work description in the Description field.
  10. In Materials section, click on Add another item to add inventory items to this job card. Click on Add inventory Item link to create new items. (Please see create new inventory item for more details.)
  11. In Human Resources section, click on Add another employee link to add one or more employees for this new job card. You can click on corresponding Remove link to remove an employee.
  12. In Work performed on, click on the calendar icon to select the date when the job is to be performed.
  13. For Work Complete, select required option as Yes or No. When you select No, you can add a reason in Incomplete Reason field.
  14. Click on payment condition drop-down list and specify the payment amount in the adjoining text box.
  15. Click on Create button. The job card is created and is displayed in the job cards list. It is shown in Ready to Invoice until it is processed. Click the Create & Invoice button to create invoice for the job. The job card is created, and a form with all documents for the related work request, is displayed.