
Create New Inventory form

You can add new inventory items and specify the details, as required. To add new item, follow the steps below.

  1. Select My Suppliers from the main menu at the top of the screen. Select My Inventory from the sub-menu that appears, as shown below.
  2. mp_help

    The My Inventory page is displayed, as below.


    You can see sections such as:

  3. Click on Add Item button, and Add Inventory Item interface is displayed as new popup window.
  4. Select a supplier from the drop-down list or you can use Any Supplier option. Specify any key word or search criteria to search the inventory, in Search for field, and click on SEARCH button. A list of inventory items is displayed with details such as brief description, price, FUI rank, and so on, as shown below.
  5. mp_help

  6. Click on the Add link corresponding to any item, and the Setup FUI rating window is displayed.
  7. Specify an FUI rank, and click on SAVE button to save the ranking.
  8. Close the Add Inventory Window and you can see that the new item is listed in your My Inventory list.