
Verify Job Card

To verify a job card created from the digital paper, follow the steps below.

  1. Select My Jobs from the main menu at the top of the screen. Select Job Cards from the sub-menu that appears under the main menu, as shown below.
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    The Job cards section is displayed listing all the Job cards.

  3. Select To Verify tab from the list of Job cards, as shown below.
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  5. Click to Verify in the Actions column, corresponding to the target job card. The Verify Job Card Details form is displayed. You can view the digital paper to be verified by clicking the View Handwriting link. Click on View Handwriting link and you can see the manual paper in Digital Paper Preview interface. There are few options such as:
  6. The Verify Job Card Details form contains information such as job ID, job description, address details, and contact information. You can make changes in any field, as required. If the item recognized is not found or item is not recognized, that field containing such an item is marked by red color.
  7. Click on the Verify button to go to the next step. The Job Card Verification form is displayed. In this form, you can click on View Handwriting link to see the digital paper to be verified. The form contains details that you see in creating a new job card form, and you can make any changes, as required. If the item recognized is not found or item is not recognized, that field containing such an item is marked by red color. There are two different scenarios:
  8. Click on the Back button to revert back to the Verify Job Card Details form.
  9. Click on the Verify button. The verified job card is displayed in the Ready to invoice list, till the invoice is created.