
Approve Invoice

You can approve an invoice immediately after creating it in Approve Invoice form. To approve an invoice from a list of invoices, follow the steps below.

  1. Select My Money from the main menu at the top of the screen, as shown below.
  2. mp_help

  3. In the Invoices section in My Money Dashboard, click on the link corresponding to Awaiting for Approval, as shown below.
  4. mp+help

  5. The Invoices List page appears, and you can see that the To Approve tab is selected, as below.
  6. mp_help

    Note: You can also select Invoicing option in the sub menu of My Money menu, to see this page.

  7. Click on Approve in the Action column for selected invoice. The invoice approval form is displayed. You can view all invoice settings.
  8. Click on Preview link to see the invoice in PDF format.
  9. Click on Edit link in the Invoice Settings section to change Invoice settings. The Setup Invoice Parameters form is displayed.
  10. You can see invoice content. Click on Edit link in the Invoice Content section to change Invoice content. The invoice composing form is displayed.
  11. Click on Approve link. The Invoice confirmation pop up is displayed, with the summary.
  12. Click the Confirm button, and the invoice is displayed in the jobs list.

Note: The invoice is confirmed if the minimum required information is complete. For example, MoneyPen can show you a message to select at least one delivery method if you had not selected any delivery methods. Complete the required information before you approve an invoice.