
View and Send Invoice Statements

You can see an invoice statement, in PDF document as explained below.

  1. Select My Money from the main menu at the top of the screen. Select Invoicing from the sub-menu that appears under main menu, as shown below.
  2. mp_help

  3. A list of invoices is displayed and different actions are available to you in Action column.

See Invoice Statement

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow corresponding to the target invoice in Action, and select View Statement option, as shown below.
  2. mp_help

  3. MoneyPen asks you to either open or save the statement, as below.
  4. mp_help

  5. Open it or save it as required and you can see the details, as below.
  6. mp_help

Send Invoice Statement

  1. Select Send Statement option from Action column, as below.
  2. mp_help

  3. Select the options to send the statement in Send Statement, as below.
  4. mp_help

  5. Cllick on Send button and the invoice statement is sent to intended recepient.